Pepperdine Journal of Communication Research
Pepperdine University
Open to Pepperdine University Undergraduates.
Pepperdine Journal of Communication Research seeks to pursue truth and academic excellence in the field of communication by recognizing outstanding student scholarship that explores interpersonal, organizational, rhetoric and leadership, and intercultural communication. Through rigorous peer-review, the Journal strives to contribute to ongoing discussions in communication studies by publishing student papers that investigate a variety of contemporary topics and issues.
Submissions explore the many contexts of personal and professional communication, unveiling the shifting goals, strategies, and relationships that define interactions in our society. Papers may take the form of book reviews, research articles, or essays. We encourage application from students throughout the public relations, advertising, integrated marketing communication, journalism, communication studies, and sports administration programs.
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Undergraduate Research Commons
Social & Behavioral Sciences
This open access collection of exemplary undergraduate work includes award-winning capstone projects, faculty-mentored research, and peer-reviewed scholarship from hundreds of undergraduate institutions.
Are you an undergraduate student looking to publish your research? Look for the ✅ icon in the Publications list to find university publications that are open for submissions, and visit the publication's site to submit your work for consideration.
Browse all Works [Page 61 of 698]
Documents from 2021
Classroom Social Connection and Academic Success in the Online Classroom During COVID-19, Marena Dib
Western University
The Impact of Locus of Control, Norms, and Social Desirability on Substance Risk Perception, Rachel A. Turner
Western University
The Effect of Individual Difference on the Continued Use of False Information: Intelligence and Personality, Brandy F. McNeil
Western University
Book Announcement: Relevant Acoustic Phonetics of L2 English Focus on Intelligibility, Ettien Koffi
St. Cloud State University
Acoustic Phonetic Evidence of Masking Between [ʌ] and [ɔ] in Central Minnesota English, Ettien Koffi and Connor Hanzsek-Brill
St. Cloud State University
An Acoustic Phonetic Analysis of Three Tonally Contrastive Grammatical Moods in Anyi: Orthographic Implications - A Festschrift in Honor of Rev. Dr. Gilbert Ansre, Ettien Koffi
St. Cloud State University
An Acoustic Phonetic Investigation of the Similarities and Differences Between Northern and Central Minnesota English, Ettien Koffi and Michel Lopez-Backstrom
St. Cloud State University
Vowel Intelligibility Analysis of Female Saudi Spoken English, Mahdi Duris
St. Cloud State University
A Comprehenisve Review of the Acoustic Correlate of Duration and Its Linguistic Implications, Ettien Koffi
St. Cloud State University
Editor's Prologue: Welcome to the 10th Volume, Ettien Koffi
St. Cloud State University
Page 61 of 698
Popular Publications *
Social Sciences, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Communication Studies, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Constructing the Past, Illinois Wesleyan University
Undergraduate Economic Review, Illinois Wesleyan University
Social Work Theses, Providence College
* Based on the number of full-text downloads in the last 30 days.
All Publications
Brigham Young University Prelaw Review
Brigham Young University
Open to Brigham Young University Undergraduates.
One of the premier undergraduate prelaw reviews in the nation. The Review is well recognized and annually distributed to each law school across the country. The journal mirrors a typical law review found at any top-tier law program: student - run and published.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
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Claremont-UC Undergraduate Research Conference on the European Union
Claremont Colleges
Open to All Undergraduates
The European Union Center of California
The European Union Center of California was founded in 1998 with the assistance of the European Commission. Based at Scripps College, the center conducts its programs cooperatively with the other members of the Claremont Colleges. The Center's mission is to advance public understanding of European integration and transatlantic relations through education and research.
The Claremont-UC Undergraduate Research Conference Journal is an open access journal and compiles outstanding research papers by undergraduate students presented at the Claremont-UC Undergraduate Research Conference on the European Union, held annually at Scripps College and hosted by the European Union Center of California.
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Constructing the Past
Illinois Wesleyan University
Open to Illinois Wesleyan University Undergraduates.
A publication of the Nu Gamma chapter of Phi Alpha Theta and the Department of History at Illinois Wesleyan University
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Gettysburg Social Sciences Review
Gettysburg College
Open to All Undergraduates
Gettysburg Social Sciences Review is an open access, peer-reviewed, undergraduate research journal that is dedicated to providing a forum for undergraduate students to develop and share critical research and writing in the Social Sciences. We encourage submissions from a wide spectrum of topics relevant to the Social Sciences. The journal seeks to advance the mission of Gettysburg College by fostering exchanges of ideas across disciplines to promote critical thought and active participation while highlighting the academic contributions of undergraduate research.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
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Intuition: The BYU Undergraduate Journal of Psychology
Intuition is an undergraduate academic journal of psychology. It is managed, edited, and designed by an editorial board composed of undergraduate psychology and editing students, a faculty adviser, and other faculty members who assist in the reviewing process. Intuition publishes three issues a year, one in both the fall and winter semesters and another at the conclusion of summer term. The journal seeks to publish psychological research, studies, essays, reviews, and cover art done by psychology undergraduates.Brigham Young University
Open to Brigham Young University Undergraduates.
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Journal of Environmental and Resource Economics at Colby
Colby College
Open to Colby College Undergraduates.
An undergraduate research journal publishing articles in environmental and resource economics authored and peer reviewed by undergraduate students.
The journal published four volumes between 2014-2017 and is currently inactive.
See the About This Journal Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
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Linguistic Portfolios
St. Cloud State University
Linguistic Portfolios showcases the best of student research in all core areas of linguistics. Articles are published at the recommendation of the faculty who taught the course for which the research was originally conducted. Interdisciplinary papers at the interface of language and the brain, language and computers, language and communication science and disorders, symbolic representations of language, language in interpersonal and mass communication are particularly encouraged. Linguistic Portfolios is published once a year by the English Department at St. Cloud State University.
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Major Themes in Economics
University of Northern Iowa
Major Themes in Economics was a publication published at the University of Northern Iowa from volume 1 (1999) to volume 23 (2021).
All papers selected for Major Themes in Economics were written by senior economics majors as part of a capstone course at the University of Northern Iowa. The volumes here constitute the second series of Major Themes in Economics, which began publication in 1999.
The original series consisted of 10 volumes and ran from 1985 to 1997.
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Pepperdine Journal of Communication Research
The Pepperdine Journal of Communication Research seeks to pursue truth and academic excellence in the field of communication by recognizing outstanding student scholarship that explores interpersonal, organizational, rhetoric and leadership, and intercultural communication. Through rigorous peer-review, the Journal strives to contribute to ongoing discussions in communication studies by publishing student papers that investigate a variety of contemporary topics and issues. Submissions explore the many contexts of personal and professional communication, unveiling the shifting goals, strategies, and relationships that define interactions in our society. Papers may take the form of book reviews, research articles, or essays. We encourage application from students throughout the public relations, advertising, integrated marketing communication, journalism, communication studies, and sports administration programs.Pepperdine University
Open to Pepperdine University Undergraduates.
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Political Analysis
A Collaborative Publication by the Seton Hall University Chapters of Pi Sigma Alpha and Pi Alpha Alpha.Seton Hall University
Open to Seton Hall University Undergraduates.
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Proceedings of the Jepson Undergraduate Conference on International Economics
University of Northern Iowa
Open to All Undergraduates
Lawrence M. Jepson Undergraduate Conference on International Economics
The Annual Undergraduate Research Conference on International Economics has been established to honor Lawrence M. Jepson's vision to understand the importance of global interrelationships. A selection of papers presented in the conference is published in the open access journal The Proceedings of the Jepson Undergraduate Conference on International Economics. The first conference was held on April 12, 2019 at UNI. The annual conference is sponsored by the Lawrence M. Jepson Endowment and the Department of Economics at the University of Northern Iowa.
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Sigma: Journal of Political and International Studies
Brigham Young University
Sigma is Brigham Young University’s undergraduate student journal focused on political science and international relations. We accept all kinds of papers: qualitative, quantitative, experimental; shorter research notes, book reviews, policy briefs, and longer research papers. We are willing to explore a variety of topics, from American and comparative politics to security and area studies. Student work may originate from a class assignment or from mentored research with a faculty member.
The editors generally select papers in September and December for revision during the Fall and Winter Semesters, but submissions are welcome throughout the year. The only requirement is that students are willing to spend time during Fall or Winter semester making revisions to your paper based on feedback from Sigma's editors. The journal is published annually in April. Submit your paper now! To submit articles for possible publication, see our website at http://politikos.byu.edu/Sigma/
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Sociological Imagination: Western’s Undergraduate Sociology Student Journal
Western University
Open to Western University Undergraduates.
Sociological Imagination has moved. Access the full-text content of our articles on OJS.
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The Macalester Review
Macalester College
Open to Macalester College Undergraduates.
Welcome to the homepage of the Macalester Review.
As one of the first student-run academic journals at Macalester College, the Macalester Review provides a platform for current undergraduates in the social sciences to display their most distinguished academic work and scholarship. Current students are strongly encouraged to submit their work to be peer-reviewed and considered for publication.
For questions or comments, please contact:
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The Park Place Economist
Illinois Wesleyan University
Open to Illinois Wesleyan University Undergraduates.
The Park Place Economist is one of just a handful of undergraduate journals of economics in the world. The journal publishes scholarly research articles in economics by Illinois Wesleyan University undergraduates. Articles range from basic topical explorations to focused senior research.
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Undergraduate Economic Review
Illinois Wesleyan University
Open to All Undergraduates
The UER is a peer-reviewed journal aimed at promoting high quality undergraduate research. It is supported by the Department of Economics and The Ames Library at Illinois Wesleyan University.
Submissions for volume 19 are now closed and reviewing is in process. The UER will be taking a hiatus for the rest of 2022-2023 academic year. If you have any questions, please contact the editors and we will respond as soon as we can. For more information about the journal, please see our Journal FAQ for more information about the journal.
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Undergraduate Journal of Global Citizenship
Fairfield University
Open to All Undergraduates
Undergraduate Journal of Global Citizenship
The Undergraduate Journal of Global Citizenship of Fairfield University in Connecticut welcomes undergraduate submissions on diverse topics such as global awareness, interdependence, environmental responsibility, social justice, humanitarianism, and other themes that promote the understanding of global citizenship.
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Undergraduate Transitional Justice Review
Western University
Open to Western University Undergraduates.
Undergraduate Transitional Justice Review is no longer in production.
Archived issues of the journal may be accessed on this site.
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University Avenue Undergraduate Journal of Economics
The University Avenue Undergraduate Journal of Economics (UAUJE) was a collaborative peer reviewed, born-digital, open access undergraduate research journal sponsored by the Departments of Economics at Illinois State University and Illinois Wesleyan University in Central Illinois.Illinois Wesleyan University
The journal, funded by a generous grant from the Calvin J. Kazanjian Economics Foundation, published high-quality research in several fields within economics from 1997 to 2004. At the time it was active, it was one of only two journals in economics for which undergraduate students took on significant roles as editors and peer reviewers (Park Place Economist, 2002). In 2004, the journal published its final issue, but its existence paved the way for Illinois Wesleyan University’s Undergraduate Economic Review. Many thanks to the faculty and students of both departments, as well as to The Ames Library at Illinois Wesleyan University and Milner Library at Illinois State University, for supporting the archiving of the UAUJE.
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Western Undergraduate Psychology Journal
Western Undergraduate Psychology Journal has moved to OJSWestern University
Open to All Undergraduates
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College of Education Poster Presentations (2013 Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Conference)
Boise State University
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College of Education Poster Presentations (2010 Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Conference)
Boise State University
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College of Education Poster Presentations / Education Posters (2012 Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Conference)
Boise State University
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College of Education Presentations (2014 Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Conference)
Boise State University
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College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs Poster Presentations (2013 Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Conference)
Boise State University
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College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs Poster Presentations (2011 Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Conference)
Boise State University
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College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs Poster Presentations (2012 Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Conference)
Boise State University
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College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs Poster Presentations (2010 Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Conference)
Boise State University
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College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs Presentations (2014 Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Conference)
Boise State University
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Communication Studies Undergraduate Publications, Presentations and Projects (Communication Studies)
University of Portland
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Conference Proceedings: Undergraduate Social Science Research Conference (CSBS Conferences/Events)
University of Northern Iowa
Full access available to UNI affiliated individuals only.
Conference Proceedings: Undergraduate Social Science Research Conference was a publication published at the University of Northern Iowa from 1994 to 2017.
The conference began in 1994 as the CSBS Student Research Conference. In 2018 the conference was broadened to include engagement and is now known as the INSPRE Student Research & Engagement Conference.
To view the collection of conference programs, click here
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Gender & Race Student Research Conference (College of the Pacific Conferences)
University of the Pacific
The Gender Studies and Ethnic Studies Programs at University of the Pacific have a biennial student research conference. Previous conferences have included "Gender, Race, and Physical Cultures" and "Gender, Race, and Space." Each conference includes student research panels where students present their research related to the conference topic. Each conference also includes a keynote speaker who is considered an expert in the field relating to the chosen topic. Along with presenting work, students are also involved in marketing and organizing the event.
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Global Studies Student Research Symposium (Conferences & Events)
The Global Studies Program at Providence College announces the Third Annual Student Research Symposium, to be held on Saturday, April 17, 2010 in Feinstein Hall on the PC campus. This program provides recognition for excellent student scholarship in the field of Global Studies.Providence College
Come learn about the exciting research being done by students around global issues on campus and hear a keynote speech from PC grad, Tylea Richard!
Contact information for this event:
Dr. Nicholas Longo, Director
Global Studies Dept.
Providence College
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MAD-RUSH Undergraduate Research Conference (Conference Proceedings)
James Madison University
Sponsored by the College of Arts and Letters at James Madison University, the MadRush Undergraduate Research Conference annually features outstanding examples of undergraduate research in the humanities and social sciences.
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Student Papers and Presentations (Strategic and Personal Communication)
Liberty University
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Undergraduate Honors Posters (Psychology Department)
Western University
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Communication and Media Undergraduate Works (Communication and Media)
University of Missouri, St. Louis
Open to University of Missouri, St. Louis Undergraduates.
Connections and Transformations: Linfield and Southeast Asia in the Past, Present, and Future (Student Scholarship & Creative Works)
Linfield University
Honors Think Tank (Honors Program)
Utah State University
Political Science Student Work (Political Science)
Whitworth Digital Commons
Student Advertising Projects - College of Journalism & Mass Communication (Journalism and Mass Communications, College of)
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
African & African American Studies Senior Theses (African and African American Studies)
Fordham University
American Cultural Studies Capstone Research Papers (Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies)
Western Washington University
American Studies Senior Theses (American Studies)
Fordham University
Anthropology Department Honors Papers (Anthropology Department)
Connecticut College
Anthropology Honors Papers (Student Research)
Ursinus College
Anthropology Honors Projects (Anthropology Department)
Macalester College
Anthropology Honors Theses (Department of Anthropology)
Georgia State University
Anthropology Undergraduate Honors Theses (Anthropology)
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Asian Studies Student Work (Asian Studies)
College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University
Bachelor of Social Sciences – Senior Theses (Undergraduate Open Access Dissertations)
Lingnan University
Brescia Psychology Undergraduate Honours Theses (School of Behavioural & Social Sciences)
Western University
Communication Honors Theses (Communication Department)
Trinity University
Communication Student Work (Communication)
College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University
Communication Studies (Senior Projects)
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Communication Undergraduate Honors Theses (Communication)
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Economics Honors Papers (Economics Department)
Connecticut College
Economics Honors Projects (Economics Department)
Macalester College
Economics Honors Theses (Economics Department)
Trinity University
Economics Student Work (Economics)
College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University
Economics Undergraduate Honors Theses (Economics)
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Ethnic Studies (Senior Projects)
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Gender, Sexuality, and Intersectionality Studies Honors Papers (Gender, Sexuality, and Intersectionality Studies Department)
Connecticut College
Geography Honors Projects (Geography Department)
Macalester College
Government and International Relations Honors Papers (Government and International Relations Department)
Connecticut College
Health, Human Performance and Recreation Undergraduate Honors Theses (Health, Human Performance and Recreation)
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Honors Projects (Women's Studies)
Illinois Wesleyan University
Honors Projects (Sociology and Anthropology)
Illinois Wesleyan University
Honors Projects (Religion)
Illinois Wesleyan University
Honors Projects (International & Global Studies)
Illinois Wesleyan University
Honors Projects (Political Science Department)
Illinois Wesleyan University
Honors Projects (Economics Department)
Illinois Wesleyan University
Honors Projects, American Studies (History Department)
Illinois Wesleyan University
Honors Projects in Applied Psychology (Honors Research Projects)
Bryant University
Honors Projects in Communication (Honors Research Projects)
Bryant University
Honors Projects in Economics (Honors Research Projects)
Bryant University
HOPR 2953/4953: Lights, Camera, Activism (Honors Program)
Marquette University
Human Communication and Theatre Theses (Human Communication and Theatre)
Trinity University
Human Development and Family Sciences Undergraduate Honors Theses (Human Development, Family Sciences and Rural Sociology)
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Journalism (Senior Projects)
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Linguistics Honors Projects (Linguistics Department)
Macalester College
Linguistics Undergraduate Senior Essays (Department of Linguistics)
Yale University
Media and Communication Studies Honors Papers (Student Research)
Ursinus College
Media and Cultural Studies Honors Projects (Media and Cultural Studies)
Macalester College
Peace Studies Student Work (Peace Studies)
College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University
Philosophy Honors Papers (Student Research)
Ursinus College
Political Science (Honors in the Major Theses)
Rollins College
Political Science (Senior Projects)
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Political Science Honors Projects (Political Science Department)
Macalester College
Political Science Honors Theses (Department of Political Science)
Georgia State University
Political Science Student Work (Political Science)
College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University
Political Science Undergraduate Honors Theses (Political Science)
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Politics Honors Papers (Student Research)
Ursinus College
Psychological Science Undergraduate Honors Theses (Psychological Science)
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Psychology Honors Papers (Student Research)
Ursinus College
Psychology Honors Papers (Psychology Department)
Connecticut College
Psychology Honors Projects (Psychology Department)
Macalester College
Psychology Honors Theses (Psychology Department)
Trinity University
Psychology Student Work (Psychology)
College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University
Religious Studies Honors Papers (Religious Studies Department)
Connecticut College
Religious Studies Honors Projects (Religious Studies Department)
Macalester College
Religious Studies Honors Theses (Department of Religious Studies)
Georgia State University
School of Social Work Undergraduate Honors Theses (School of Social Work)
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Senior Honors Theses (Strategic and Personal Communication)
Liberty University
Senior Honors Theses (Rawlings School of Divinity)
Liberty University
Senior Honors Theses and Projects - Political Science (Department of Political Science)
Eastern Michigan University
Senior Honors Theses and Projects - Psychology (Department of Psychology)
Eastern Michigan University
Senior Honors Theses and Projects - Social Work (School of Social Work)
Eastern Michigan University
Senior Honors Theses and Projects - World Languages (Department of World Languages)
Eastern Michigan University
Senior Theses (Student Scholarship & Creative Works)
Linfield University
Senior Theses (Student Scholarship & Creative Works)
Linfield University
Senior Theses - Anthropology (Sociology and Anthropology)
Illinois State University
Social Sciences (Senior Projects)
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Social Work Theses (Social Work)
Providence College
Sociology and Anthropology Honors Theses (Sociology and Anthropology Department)
Trinity University
Sociology and Criminology Undergraduate Honors Theses (Sociology and Criminology)
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Sociology Honors Papers (Student Research)
Ursinus College
Sociology Honors Papers (Sociology Department)
Connecticut College
Sociology Honors Projects (Sociology Department)
Macalester College
Undergraduate Honors Theses (Psychology)
Western University
Undergraduate Honors Theses (Psychology Department)
Western University
Undergraduate Honours Theses (Psychology)
Western University
Women's, Gender and Queer Studies (Senior Projects)
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Honors Projects (Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies)
Macalester College
Anthropology Department Student Projects (Anthropology Department)
Connecticut College
Communication Disorders Student Publications (Undergraduate Scholarship)
Sacred Heart University
Communication, Media & The Arts Student Publications (Undergraduate Scholarship)
Sacred Heart University
Communication Student Works (Communication Department)
Trinity University
Criminal Justice Student Publications (Undergraduate Scholarship)
Sacred Heart University
Economics Student Scholarship (Economics)
Providence College
Education Student Publications (Undergraduate Scholarship)
Sacred Heart University
Global Studies Student Scholarship (Global Studies)
Providence College
Government Undergraduate Publications (Undergraduate Scholarship)
Sacred Heart University
Journalism & Mass Communications: Student Media (Journalism and Mass Communications, College of)
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Paideia (Journals)
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Political Science Student Works (Political Science Department)
Trinity University
Political Science Undergraduate Publications, Presentations and Projects (Political Science)
University of Portland
Psychological Sciences Undergraduate Publications, Presentations and Projects (Psychological Sciences)
University of Portland
Psychology Undergraduate Publications (Undergraduate Scholarship)
Sacred Heart University
PTRS Undergraduate Publications (Undergraduate Scholarship)
Sacred Heart University
Service-Learning Program (The Center for Teaching and Learning)
Boise State University
Social Work Student Publications (Undergraduate Scholarship)
Sacred Heart University
Sociology and Social Work Undergraduate Publications and Presentations (Sociology and Social Work)
University of Portland
Open to University of Portland Undergraduates.
Sociology & Anthropology Student Works (Sociology and Anthropology Department)
Trinity University
Sociology Student Scholarship (Sociology & Anthropology Department)
College of the Holy Cross
Sociology Student Work (Sociology)
Merrimack College
Sociology Undergraduate Publications (Undergraduate Scholarship)
Sacred Heart University
Student Scholarship (Anthropology)
Parkland College
Undergraduate Research - History (History)
Illinois State University
Undergraduate Research in Sociology (Department of Sociology)
St. Cloud State University
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